Monday, April 28, 2008

Flash movie Final - Winter Dance

This is my third Flash Movie, and the first one with sound. This was my final movie for Flash class, and is a scene of an idea that would take up the entire sound file.

In the scene, a man is playing guitar in the woods. Faeries fly past him, landing in a clearing to gather around the faerie queen. She rises from her flower and dances to the snow.

The practice in musical timing was important, as I want my thesis to be something along the same vein - no dialogue, just music and pantomime.

Unfortunately, due to time constraints I didn't animate this as fully as was originally planned - the very beginning with the man playing the guitar, and the final dance scene, had to be rushed to meet the deadline. I think that it came out fine overall aside from the dancing queen needing some more movement frames. It could also use more camera tricks, such as zooming.

I might go back to it over the summer and clean it up - maybe even finish the entire song.

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